Bacteria live in symbiosis with humans and keep us healthy

symbiosis (noun)
sym·​bi·​o·​sisˌ sim-bē-ˈō-səs

the living together in more or less intimate association or close union of two dissimilar organisms (as in parasitism or commensalism)
especially : MUTUALISM

a cooperative relationship (as between two persons or groups)
the symbiosis … between the resident population and the immigrants —John Geipel

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The human body contains trillions of ‘non-human’ microorganisms, outnumbering human cells by 10 to 1. However, due to their small size, these ‘non-human’ microorganisms make up only about 1 to 3 percent of the body’s mass.

Those micro-organisms include bacteria which live with and interact with the human body for the benefit of both.

Bacteria do not live isolated in the environment.

Humans would not be the resilient humans that we are without bacteria.

For example, in our digestive system, we have up to 1kg of 100 trillion non-human micro-organisms with about 1000 known of symbiotes.

Bacteria are able to break down and neutralize harmful substances in our body,

Without them we couldn’t digest or metabolise some of the foods.

They create some of the vitamins and other substances such as anti-inflammatories that our genome cannot produce.

So without bacteria, we would be effectively be putting things into our body which are otherwise toxic, and we would probably be ill much more often than we are.

We live more healthily with bacteria.

How toxicity happens

When we create a more toxic environment in our body, for example, if we cut ourselves and then dirt enters, that environment of the cut becomes more toxic than normal.

Bacteria then multiply in an attempt to break down and neutralise the toxic build up.

However, the increase in bacterial activity can cause more toxins to be created such as pus. This is where the human body contributes to healing where it sends white blood cells to the site of the increased bacterial activity and toxicity. This can inflammation and attract more white blood cells to the area which creates the dead and dying tissue of pus which in itself is toxic.

So toxicity creates more toxicity.

Good and bad bacteria

I was having a discussion about bacteria and the term ‘good and bad bacteria’ came up. I said I don’t think there are any bad bacteria because bacteria multiply in our body to help remove toxins and that it’s actually a toxic environment which causes disease.

I hope the above explanation of what happens with bacteria and the body attempting to remove toxins clarifies how bacteria could be perceived to be bad in contributing to the cause of toxicity. Instead bacteria simply multiply in an effort to remove toxins and then the body and it’s healing system also attempts to remove toxins, and the combination of the two creates the more toxic releases.


Antibiotics were created to reduce the so called infection in the toxic area.

However, antibiotics prevent the activity of bacteria that help reduce toxic build up in the first place.

Antibiotics also destroy ‘normal’ bacteria which then becomes resistant to the antibiotics, and the resistant bacteria create more toxins.

What actually causes disease?

The most relevant point to note it is that after a toxic environment is created, bacterial activity then increases which can cause an increase in toxicity.

So it’s a toxic environment that comes first in causing the disease, not the bacteria.

Research sources:
Virus Mania (by Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Claus Köhnlein MD, Dr. Samantha Bailey MD, Dr. Stefano Scoglio BSc PhD).
NIH (National Institutes of Health) (download pdf)

And the key to creating health is to decrease the toxicity of the environment (detox).

Click here to learn what other factors create health, why, and how to be well.

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