Entertainment Kiosk Software Design

From July 1996 to February 1997 I worked as a freelancer in consultancy, design & production for Art and Industry, a small marketing and design company in London and their client Citibank, one of the world’s largest banking and financial institutes.

Citibank held a stand at an annual financial conference where they wanted a method by which they could draw more visitors to their stand.

I designed and managed the production of an interactive quiz game using Macromedia Director that worked from a PC based kiosk with prize incentives for players with the highest scores.

As there wasn’t a budget for supporting the game at the conference, I had the game thoroughly tested to ensure continuous running for 3 days so that minimal or no additional resourcing was required at the conference.

The game was a success in attracting visitors – Citibank ran out of prizes and had to moderate the game’s use.

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