How To Make The Menu Fit The Full Width Of The Screen In Twenty Seventeen

The default Twenty Seventeen main navigation menu uses less than the full width of the screen and is the same width content area and sidebar, especially on a laptop or computer screen. The total width of the navigation menu can be made the full width of the screen.

The default width of the main navigation menu.

The main navigation menu made full width of the screen.

The full-width appearance should work throughout the site (e.g. single pages, single post & blog archives).

Where and how to make the menu width full screen:

In WordPress Admin > Appearance > Edit CSS.

Enter the CSS code below.

  • The two lines of code created the full-width effect for both mobile and computer screens.

The CSS code:

.navigation-top .wrap {
    max-width: 100%;
    /* padding: 0; */

@media screen and (min-width: 48em) {
.navigation-top .wrap {
    max-width: 100%;
    /* padding: 0.75em 3.4166666666667em; */

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26 responses to “How To Make The Menu Fit The Full Width Of The Screen In Twenty Seventeen”

  1. Amina avatar

    Another sidenote, if you make the menu fully wide, it moves to the left on desktop. When you add padding-left, the mobile version becomes narrow again. Is there something to do about this?

    1. Bharat Karavadra avatar

      Hello again Amina,
      Can you send a screen recording of what you are experiencing?

  2. Amina avatar

    Question: in some browsers (chrome on apple computer) the navigationbar somehow divides in 2 rows, whereas in my chrome (windows) it is 1 row. Do you know how to fix that problem without removing menu items?

    1. Bharat Karavadra avatar

      Hello Amina,
      I would have to look at the code and I don’t use Apple devices so I am currently unable to look at the code.

  3. Amina avatar

    Great code, I wanted to widen the content, but on mobile it somehow made it narrow too, until I made the menu wide. You should add this to your other post too!

  4. marctom1 avatar

    I’d been trying to do this all day, until I saw your brilliant post.
    Thanks very much!

    1. Bharat Karavadra avatar

      Thank you for your comment and I hope it saved some time.

  5. Sandeep avatar

    Thanks a lot, I started using Twenty seventeen, I am not deep rooted to CSS, your customization code helped me a lot.
    Thanks again.

  6. isisko avatar

    Hello Bharat

    I am using the “Advanced Twenty Seventeen Child” theme and your code doesn’t seem to work for me :(
    My menu is still the same width as the content area and not 100%

    Any ideas as to what could be so different about the theme I’m using? I was the impression it’s based on the same standard Twenty Seventeen theme with some minor additions to allow custom CSS etc and as such I would expect this to work for me.

    By the way my menu has eight menu items and two of the items are quite lenghty, and as such the last menu item wraps to a new line. I was actually looking for a way to shorten the gap between menu items in order to try to resolve this when I accidentally came across this article which would probably be even better if I can just manage to get it to work.

    1. isisko avatar

      PS The site is in a staging area and not live yet which is why I haven’t posted a link to it

      1. Bharat Karavadra avatar

        As you are using a different theme, without seeing the site and perhaps the admin, I would not know what to consider to help make the menu fit the width of the screen. Is there any way you can publish the site to view on the internet?

        1. isisko avatar

          I figured it out, removed your /* padding: 0; */ comment which did the trick

          I then changed it to: padding-left: 20px; which works better for me.

          The Advanced Twenty Seventeen Child theme is in essence identical to Twenty Seventeen as far as I am aware so in theory everything you can do to one you should apply to the other.

          In any case thanks for you super quick response : )

          Hey another thing while I am here, I also have another CSS issue regarding increasing the width of particular sub-menus, but I don’t if this is something I can post on your site.

          1. Bharat Karavadra avatar

            I’m glad you got it to work.
            With respect to other WordPress requirements, you can use the forums at the link below. They are on a free trial at the moment, but again, please describe your requirements as clearly as you can with the theme you are using.
            The forum is at

  7. Joris avatar

    In the code there is a final accolade } missing.
    The code should be:

    .navigation-top .wrap {
    max-width: 80%;
    /* padding: 0; */

    @media screen and (min-width: 48em) {
    .navigation-top .wrap {
    max-width: 80%;
    /* padding: 0.75em 3.4166666666667em; */

    Very nice work otherwise. You’ve helped me a lot. I wanted to the content and menu to be wider, but not full screen, so replaced all the 100% entries with 80%. Worked perfectly :)

    1. Bharat Karavadra avatar

      Thank you for that. I have updated the post above, and I am glad that the customisations are helpful.

  8. Indian Play Schools avatar

    Thank you for a great series of tutorials.
    I am working on this project
    When I move down, my menu is sticky, but the logo is not. Please let me know how to make the logo also stick to top.

    1. Bharat Karavadra avatar

      You seem to have created your own customisation for the logo, header and menu. Customizations I create from the default Twenty Seventeen theme may not then work. Can you try one of the stick header plugins from at the link below, and let us know how you get on? Use one that is compatible with your version of WordPress.

      1. Indian Play Schools avatar

        Thank you very much for your reply.
        I have used the following customizations

        /* To move menu to the right side of logo and aligned to it*/
        .navigation-top {
        left: 20%;
        position: absolute;
        top: 14px;
        width: 100%;
        height: 70px;


        Used code to increase the width to 100%
        Used code to hide Title.

        Can you please have a look at the website and let me know the code to decrease the gap between top menu and beginning of the page?

        Also please help me in removing the stickyness.
        Thank You

        1. Bharat Karavadra avatar

          You seem to have resolved your gap and sticky menu issues.
          However, anybody else looking at removing the sticky menu, and making it unsticky, see here:

          1. Indian Play Schools avatar

            Thank you very much for the reply, But, I still want to remove the existing gap between header and the first image of the page. Is there a way? I wrote the following code to remove some gap.
            /* To reduce gap between Header and first image*/
            .panel-content .wrap {
            padding-top: 0.5em;
            .site-branding {
            padding: 0em 0;
            @media screen and (min-width: 30em)
            .site-branding {
            padding: 0em 0;
            @media screen and (min-width: 48em)
            .site-branding {
            padding: 0em 0;
            Using inspect element I found that the following code when altered can give the desired results.But I am unable to write it in css.

            margin-bottom: 70px;
            Any suggestions? Thanks in advance

            1. Bharat Karavadra avatar

              Can you try?:
              .site-branding {
              margin-bottom: 0px;

              1. Indian Play Schools avatar

                Thank you for your reply. But sorry, it did not work.

                1. Bharat Karavadra avatar

                  It made a difference on your site with Firebug. Can use the ‘Ask For Help’ link on the top menu and send me your WordPress login and username so I can look into it directly on your site?
                  Thank you.

                  1. Indian Play Schools avatar
                    Indian Play Schools

                    Thank you very much for the concern. I have mailed you my login details.

                    1. Bharat Karavadra avatar

                      Thank you,
                      I have added the following CSS to your Custom CSS and it has reduced the space between the menu and page.
                      .site-branding {
                      margin-bottom: 0px !important;

                    2. Indian Play Schools avatar
                      Indian Play Schools

                      Thank you very much. That was very kind of you.I had been struggling since two weeks. Thanks a zillion.

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