The Footer 1 widget and Social navigation icons area in the footer of Twenty Seventeen are narrower than the Footer 2 widget and ‘Proudly powered by WordPress’ text area. All these widgets / areas can be made an equal width of 50% of the width of the content area.
The default footer widget areas.
The footer widgets/ content areas made equal width.

Where and how to make the widget / content areas equal width:
In WordPress Admin > Appearance > Edit CSS.
Enter the CSS code below.
The CSS code:
/* Footer 1 content */ @media screen and (min-width: 48em) { .site-footer .widget-column.footer-widget-1 { /* float: left; */ width: 47%; } } /* Footer 2 content */ @media screen and (min-width: 48em) { .site-footer .widget-column.footer-widget-2 { /* float: right; */ width: 47%; } } /* Social icons */ @media screen and (min-width: 48em) { .social-navigation { /* clear: left; */ /* float: left; */ /* margin-bottom: 0; */ width: 47%; } } /* Site info (Proudly powered by WordPress) */ @media screen and (min-width: 48em) { .site-info { /* float: right; */ width: 47%; } }
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