I came across a few friends and relatives at a wedding reception and who I had not met for a while.
During our discussions, I was asked what I did and I was explaining as succinctly as I could the remote healing techniques that I use and how they can work in healing life situations.
In brief, I described the healing technique creating a metaphorical space and invitation to the universe in the perception and creation of thoughts, emotions, sensations, physical body changes, the external environment and people and your relationship with them, and where the changes in perception and creation can create better progress for healing.
Wanting not to get overly intensive on the subject during a wedding reception, I stopped the conversation to create the space for social movement.
After socialising a little I was called by one of the gentlemen whom I had the initial discussion with, who introduced me to someone who had recently been diagnosed with a well-known disease of the nervous system.
I had the discussion as best as I could have had in a busy wedding reception and which had some points for learning which I may write about separately.
I eventually went back to the gentleman who made the introduction, and the conversation led to a key point that I wanted to make which was that I have found remote healing attempts tend to have much better results when the person, or people, are more receptive to remote healing happening, without trying too much to understand how it works, and to be as open as possible to how the healing can happen.
At this point a qualified surgeon joined the conversation who agreed that without openness and receptiveness, healing cannot happen.
Whether it be remote spiritual healing, which can be difficult many minds to accept, or any other form of healing, I agreed to with the surgeon and confirmed by giving a simple example of a patient going to a doctor who prescribes medication.
If the patient does not take the medication and in the way that it is prescribed, the chances of the patient being healed with that form of healing are obviously very low, if not negligible.
That latter conversation and that with the person with the disease was what created thought about writing a post about how to be open and how healing can happen when their is openness.
Let’s get back to what the surgeon then said, and quite to my surprise, but in fact with joy and enthusiasm of where some minds their acceptances are when it comes to forms of healing and practices.
I cannot recall the exact words, however the surgeon said that yes there is, and it is accepted that there is no one answer to how healing can happen, and that spiritual healing and other approaches such as CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) are accepted as part of the mix for healing to happen or be more successful.
I had a quick look at how CBT is presented and some definitions are as follows:
“…a talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave.”
– NHS Choices.
“CBT can help you to change how you think (‘Cognitive’) and what you do (‘Behaviour’).”
– Royal College of Psychiatrists.
“It works to solve current problems and change unhelpful thinking and behavior.”
– WikiPedia referencing the below book.
“…directed toward solving current problems and modifying dysfunctional (inaccurate and/or unhelpful) thinking and behavior…”
– Judith S. Beck (2011). Cognitive behavior therapy: Basics and Beyond (2nd Edition) Page 2.
If you can relate to CBT changing the way you think and behave, then the remote healing techniques that I use, and can train others to use, help you to have new thoughts, change your behaviour and perceptions, and create space in your external environment for new experiences to happen that can help better and speed healing.
I have experienced that the more you, and those around you, become open to new thought, behavior and perception, the more successful healing can be.
Click here to discuss in confidence, any life situation that you may require healing.
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