MySQL Country Table With ISO 3166 Numeric, Alpha 1 And Alpha 2 Codes

I was designing a web browser interface form that required the selection of a country and so off to Wikipedia I went to get the latest list of countries and their codes.

A CSV was created which was then imported into a MySQL table using phpMyAdmin and the country names with character accents and other special characters were manually tweaked as some characters did not import correctly.

I found that setting the table’s collation to UTF_bin for the character set created the correct output of accented and special characters in the web browser when using the PHP echo command and hence the collation of the whole table is UTF_bin.

Here is the MySQL Country Table and I hope you find it useful:

NOTE: There is an update to this MySQL table with the latest countries, codes, top level domains and years when the alpha 2 code was assigned to each country. Click here for the updated table.

  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `short_name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
  `alpha2_code` varchar(2) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
  `alpha3_code` varchar(3) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
  `numeric_code` smallint(6) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)

INSERT INTO `countries` (`id`, `short_name`, `alpha2_code`, `alpha3_code`, `numeric_code`) VALUES
(1, 'Afghanistan', 'AF', 'AFG', 4),
(2, 'Åland Islands', 'AX', 'ALA', 248),
(3, 'Albania', 'AL', 'ALB', 8),
(4, 'Algeria', 'DZ', 'DZA', 12),
(5, 'American Samoa', 'AS', 'ASM', 16),
(6, 'Andorra', 'AD', 'AND', 20),
(7, 'Angola', 'AO', 'AGO', 24),
(8, 'Anguilla', 'AI', 'AIA', 660),
(9, 'Antarctica', 'AQ', 'ATA', 10),
(10, 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'AG', 'ATG', 28),
(11, 'Argentina', 'AR', 'ARG', 32),
(12, 'Armenia', 'AM', 'ARM', 51),
(13, 'Aruba', 'AW', 'ABW', 533),
(14, 'Australia', 'AU', 'AUS', 36),
(15, 'Austria', 'AT', 'AUT', 40),
(16, 'Azerbaijan', 'AZ', 'AZE', 31),
(17, 'Bahamas', 'BS', 'BHS', 44),
(18, 'Bahrain', 'BH', 'BHR', 48),
(19, 'Bangladesh', 'BD', 'BGD', 50),
(20, 'Barbados', 'BB', 'BRB', 52),
(21, 'Belarus', 'BY', 'BLR', 112),
(22, 'Belgium', 'BE', 'BEL', 56),
(23, 'Belize', 'BZ', 'BLZ', 84),
(24, 'Benin', 'BJ', 'BEN', 204),
(25, 'Bermuda', 'BM', 'BMU', 60),
(26, 'Bhutan', 'BT', 'BTN', 64),
(27, 'Bolivia, Plurinational State of', 'BO', 'BOL', 68),
(28, 'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba', 'BQ', 'BES', 535),
(29, 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'BA', 'BIH', 70),
(30, 'Botswana', 'BW', 'BWA', 72),
(31, 'Bouvet Island', 'BV', 'BVT', 74),
(32, 'Brazil', 'BR', 'BRA', 76),
(33, 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'IO', 'IOT', 86),
(34, 'Brunei Darussalam', 'BN', 'BRN', 96),
(35, 'Bulgaria', 'BG', 'BGR', 100),
(36, 'Burkina Faso', 'BF', 'BFA', 854),
(37, 'Burundi', 'BI', 'BDI', 108),
(38, 'Cambodia', 'KH', 'KHM', 116),
(39, 'Cameroon', 'CM', 'CMR', 120),
(40, 'Canada', 'CA', 'CAN', 124),
(41, 'Cape Verde', 'CV', 'CPV', 132),
(42, 'Cayman Islands', 'KY', 'CYM', 136),
(43, 'Central African Republic', 'CF', 'CAF', 140),
(44, 'Chad', 'TD', 'TCD', 148),
(45, 'Chile', 'CL', 'CHL', 152),
(46, 'China', 'CN', 'CHN', 156),
(47, 'Christmas Island', 'CX', 'CXR', 162),
(48, 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'CC', 'CCK', 166),
(49, 'Colombia', 'CO', 'COL', 170),
(50, 'Comoros', 'KM', 'COM', 174),
(51, 'Congo', 'CG', 'COG', 178),
(52, 'Congo, the Democratic Republic of the', 'CD', 'COD', 180),
(53, 'Cook Islands', 'CK', 'COK', 184),
(54, 'Costa Rica', 'CR', 'CRI', 188),
(55, 'Côte d''Ivoire', 'CI', 'CIV', 384),
(56, 'Croatia', 'HR', 'HRV', 191),
(57, 'Cuba', 'CU', 'CUB', 192),
(58, 'Cura', 'CW', 'CUW', 531),
(59, 'Cyprus', 'CY', 'CYP', 196),
(60, 'Czech Republic', 'CZ', 'CZE', 203),
(61, 'Denmark', 'DK', 'DNK', 208),
(62, 'Djibouti', 'DJ', 'DJI', 262),
(63, 'Dominica', 'DM', 'DMA', 212),
(64, 'Dominican Republic', 'DO', 'DOM', 214),
(65, 'Ecuador', 'EC', 'ECU', 218),
(66, 'Egypt', 'EG', 'EGY', 818),
(67, 'El Salvador', 'SV', 'SLV', 222),
(68, 'Equatorial Guinea', 'GQ', 'GNQ', 226),
(69, 'Eritrea', 'ER', 'ERI', 232),
(70, 'Estonia', 'EE', 'EST', 233),
(71, 'Ethiopia', 'ET', 'ETH', 231),
(72, 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)', 'FK', 'FLK', 238),
(73, 'Faroe Islands', 'FO', 'FRO', 234),
(74, 'Fiji', 'FJ', 'FJI', 242),
(75, 'Finland', 'FI', 'FIN', 246),
(76, 'France', 'FR', 'FRA', 250),
(77, 'French Guiana', 'GF', 'GUF', 254),
(78, 'French Polynesia', 'PF', 'PYF', 258),
(79, 'French Southern Territories', 'TF', 'ATF', 260),
(80, 'Gabon', 'GA', 'GAB', 266),
(81, 'Gambia', 'GM', 'GMB', 270),
(82, 'Georgia', 'GE', 'GEO', 268),
(83, 'Germany', 'DE', 'DEU', 276),
(84, 'Ghana', 'GH', 'GHA', 288),
(85, 'Gibraltar', 'GI', 'GIB', 292),
(86, 'Greece', 'GR', 'GRC', 300),
(87, 'Greenland', 'GL', 'GRL', 304),
(88, 'Grenada', 'GD', 'GRD', 308),
(89, 'Guadeloupe', 'GP', 'GLP', 312),
(90, 'Guam', 'GU', 'GUM', 316),
(91, 'Guatemala', 'GT', 'GTM', 320),
(92, 'Guernsey', 'GG', 'GGY', 831),
(93, 'Guinea', 'GN', 'GIN', 324),
(94, 'Guinea-Bissau', 'GW', 'GNB', 624),
(95, 'Guyana', 'GY', 'GUY', 328),
(96, 'Haiti', 'HT', 'HTI', 332),
(97, 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands', 'HM', 'HMD', 334),
(98, 'Holy See (Vatican City State)', 'VA', 'VAT', 336),
(99, 'Honduras', 'HN', 'HND', 340),
(100, 'Hong Kong', 'HK', 'HKG', 344),
(101, 'Hungary', 'HU', 'HUN', 348),
(102, 'Iceland', 'IS', 'ISL', 352),
(103, 'India', 'IN', 'IND', 356),
(104, 'Indonesia', 'ID', 'IDN', 360),
(105, 'Iran, Islamic Republic of', 'IR', 'IRN', 364),
(106, 'Iraq', 'IQ', 'IRQ', 368),
(107, 'Ireland', 'IE', 'IRL', 372),
(108, 'Isle of Man', 'IM', 'IMN', 833),
(109, 'Israel', 'IL', 'ISR', 376),
(110, 'Italy', 'IT', 'ITA', 380),
(111, 'Jamaica', 'JM', 'JAM', 388),
(112, 'Japan', 'JP', 'JPN', 392),
(113, 'Jersey', 'JE', 'JEY', 832),
(114, 'Jordan', 'JO', 'JOR', 400),
(115, 'Kazakhstan', 'KZ', 'KAZ', 398),
(116, 'Kenya', 'KE', 'KEN', 404),
(117, 'Kiribati', 'KI', 'KIR', 296),
(118, 'Korea, Democratic People''s Republic of', 'KP', 'PRK', 408),
(119, 'Korea, Republic of', 'KR', 'KOR', 410),
(120, 'Kuwait', 'KW', 'KWT', 414),
(121, 'Kyrgyzstan', 'KG', 'KGZ', 417),
(122, 'Lao People''s Democratic Republic', 'LA', 'LAO', 418),
(123, 'Latvia', 'LV', 'LVA', 428),
(124, 'Lebanon', 'LB', 'LBN', 422),
(125, 'Lesotho', 'LS', 'LSO', 426),
(126, 'Liberia', 'LR', 'LBR', 430),
(127, 'Libya', 'LY', 'LBY', 434),
(128, 'Liechtenstein', 'LI', 'LIE', 438),
(129, 'Lithuania', 'LT', 'LTU', 440),
(130, 'Luxembourg', 'LU', 'LUX', 442),
(131, 'Macao', 'MO', 'MAC', 446),
(132, 'Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of', 'MK', 'MKD', 807),
(133, 'Madagascar', 'MG', 'MDG', 450),
(134, 'Malawi', 'MW', 'MWI', 454),
(135, 'Malaysia', 'MY', 'MYS', 458),
(136, 'Maldives', 'MV', 'MDV', 462),
(137, 'Mali', 'ML', 'MLI', 466),
(138, 'Malta', 'MT', 'MLT', 470),
(139, 'Marshall Islands', 'MH', 'MHL', 584),
(140, 'Martinique', 'MQ', 'MTQ', 474),
(141, 'Mauritania', 'MR', 'MRT', 478),
(142, 'Mauritius', 'MU', 'MUS', 480),
(143, 'Mayotte', 'YT', 'MYT', 175),
(144, 'Mexico', 'MX', 'MEX', 484),
(145, 'Micronesia, Federated States of', 'FM', 'FSM', 583),
(146, 'Moldova, Republic of', 'MD', 'MDA', 498),
(147, 'Monaco', 'MC', 'MCO', 492),
(148, 'Mongolia', 'MN', 'MNG', 496),
(149, 'Montenegro', 'ME', 'MNE', 499),
(150, 'Montserrat', 'MS', 'MSR', 500),
(151, 'Morocco', 'MA', 'MAR', 504),
(152, 'Mozambique', 'MZ', 'MOZ', 508),
(153, 'Myanmar', 'MM', 'MMR', 104),
(154, 'Namibia', 'NA', 'NAM', 516),
(155, 'Nauru', 'NR', 'NRU', 520),
(156, 'Nepal', 'NP', 'NPL', 524),
(157, 'Netherlands', 'NL', 'NLD', 528),
(158, 'New Caledonia', 'NC', 'NCL', 540),
(159, 'New Zealand', 'NZ', 'NZL', 554),
(160, 'Nicaragua', 'NI', 'NIC', 558),
(161, 'Niger', 'NE', 'NER', 562),
(162, 'Nigeria', 'NG', 'NGA', 566),
(163, 'Niue', 'NU', 'NIU', 570),
(164, 'Norfolk Island', 'NF', 'NFK', 574),
(165, 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'MP', 'MNP', 580),
(166, 'Norway', 'NO', 'NOR', 578),
(167, 'Oman', 'OM', 'OMN', 512),
(168, 'Pakistan', 'PK', 'PAK', 586),
(169, 'Palau', 'PW', 'PLW', 585),
(170, 'Palestine, State of', 'PS', 'PSE', 275),
(171, 'Panama', 'PA', 'PAN', 591),
(172, 'Papua New Guinea', 'PG', 'PNG', 598),
(173, 'Paraguay', 'PY', 'PRY', 600),
(174, 'Peru', 'PE', 'PER', 604),
(175, 'Philippines', 'PH', 'PHL', 608),
(176, 'Pitcairn', 'PN', 'PCN', 612),
(177, 'Poland', 'PL', 'POL', 616),
(178, 'Portugal', 'PT', 'PRT', 620),
(179, 'Puerto Rico', 'PR', 'PRI', 630),
(180, 'Qatar', 'QA', 'QAT', 634),
(181, 'Réunion', 'RE', 'REU', 638),
(182, 'Romania', 'RO', 'ROU', 642),
(183, 'Russian Federation', 'RU', 'RUS', 643),
(184, 'Rwanda', 'RW', 'RWA', 646),
(185, 'Saint Barthélemy', 'BL', 'BLM', 652),
(186, 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha', 'SH', 'SHN', 654),
(187, 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', 'KN', 'KNA', 659),
(188, 'Saint Lucia', 'LC', 'LCA', 662),
(189, 'Saint Martin (French part)', 'MF', 'MAF', 663),
(190, 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon', 'PM', 'SPM', 666),
(191, 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 'VC', 'VCT', 670),
(192, 'Samoa', 'WS', 'WSM', 882),
(193, 'San Marino', 'SM', 'SMR', 674),
(194, 'Sao Tome and Principe', 'ST', 'STP', 678),
(195, 'Saudi Arabia', 'SA', 'SAU', 682),
(196, 'Senegal', 'SN', 'SEN', 686),
(197, 'Serbia', 'RS', 'SRB', 688),
(198, 'Seychelles', 'SC', 'SYC', 690),
(199, 'Sierra Leone', 'SL', 'SLE', 694),
(200, 'Singapore', 'SG', 'SGP', 702),
(201, 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)', 'SX', 'SXM', 534),
(202, 'Slovakia', 'SK', 'SVK', 703),
(203, 'Slovenia', 'SI', 'SVN', 705),
(204, 'Solomon Islands', 'SB', 'SLB', 90),
(205, 'Somalia', 'SO', 'SOM', 706),
(206, 'South Africa', 'ZA', 'ZAF', 710),
(207, 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', 'GS', 'SGS', 239),
(208, 'South Sudan', 'SS', 'SSD', 728),
(209, 'Spain', 'ES', 'ESP', 724),
(210, 'Sri Lanka', 'LK', 'LKA', 144),
(211, 'Sudan', 'SD', 'SDN', 729),
(212, 'Suriname', 'SR', 'SUR', 740),
(213, 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen', 'SJ', 'SJM', 744),
(214, 'Swaziland', 'SZ', 'SWZ', 748),
(215, 'Sweden', 'SE', 'SWE', 752),
(216, 'Switzerland', 'CH', 'CHE', 756),
(217, 'Syrian Arab Republic', 'SY', 'SYR', 760),
(218, 'Taiwan, Province of China', 'TW', 'TWN', 158),
(219, 'Tajikistan', 'TJ', 'TJK', 762),
(220, 'Tanzania, United Republic of', 'TZ', 'TZA', 834),
(221, 'Thailand', 'TH', 'THA', 764),
(222, 'Timor-Leste', 'TL', 'TLS', 626),
(223, 'Togo', 'TG', 'TGO', 768),
(224, 'Tokelau', 'TK', 'TKL', 772),
(225, 'Tonga', 'TO', 'TON', 776),
(226, 'Trinidad and Tobago', 'TT', 'TTO', 780),
(227, 'Tunisia', 'TN', 'TUN', 788),
(228, 'Turkey', 'TR', 'TUR', 792),
(229, 'Turkmenistan', 'TM', 'TKM', 795),
(230, 'Turks and Caicos Islands', 'TC', 'TCA', 796),
(231, 'Tuvalu', 'TV', 'TUV', 798),
(232, 'Uganda', 'UG', 'UGA', 800),
(233, 'Ukraine', 'UA', 'UKR', 804),
(234, 'United Arab Emirates', 'AE', 'ARE', 784),
(235, 'United Kingdom', 'GB', 'GBR', 826),
(236, 'United States', 'US', 'USA', 840),
(237, 'United States Minor Outlying Islands', 'UM', 'UMI', 581),
(238, 'Uruguay', 'UY', 'URY', 858),
(239, 'Uzbekistan', 'UZ', 'UZB', 860),
(240, 'Vanuatu', 'VU', 'VUT', 548),
(241, 'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of', 'VE', 'VEN', 862),
(242, 'Viet Nam', 'VN', 'VNM', 704),
(243, 'Virgin Islands, British', 'VG', 'VGB', 92),
(244, 'Virgin Islands, U.S.', 'VI', 'VIR', 850),
(245, 'Wallis and Futuna', 'WF', 'WLF', 876),
(246, 'Western Sahara', 'EH', 'ESH', 732),
(247, 'Yemen', 'YE', 'YEM', 887),
(248, 'Zambia', 'ZM', 'ZMB', 894),
(249, 'Zimbabwe', 'ZW', 'ZWE', 716);

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5 responses to “MySQL Country Table With ISO 3166 Numeric, Alpha 1 And Alpha 2 Codes”

  1. plouflechien avatar


    your table is very old/incomplete: you don’t have BQ,SX or CW codes in it (they apparead in 2011)

    1. Bharat Karavadra avatar

      Thank you for letting me know. I have had a quick look and at some sources of country codes and yes there seem to be amendments from various years. I will update the above table as soon as I have a quality moment.

      1. Bharat Karavadra avatar

        Hello again,
        I have updated the table and also added top level domains and the year the alpha 2 code was assigned for each country.
        It’s at a new post at

  2. Sebastian avatar

    I can second this, thanks a lot!

  3. Iñigo Flores avatar
    Iñigo Flores

    Very useful! Saved me a ton of work. Thanks!

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